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Optional .env Values

The following is a list of optional .env values that may be useful during deployment. Any changes made to your .env file require recreating the containers by running docker compose down/up for example.

docker compose down
nano .env
docker compose up -d


The default .env only contains required configuration variables. If you need to change a default value, you'll need to add its configuration variable to your .env file.

Optional Variables

VECTR_EXTERNAL_HOSTNAME - If your VECTR installation is sitting behind a proxy or load balancer and HTTP hostname header is not forwarded, set this to the value of your external-facing domain name.

VECTR_EXTERNAL_PORT - If your VECTR installation is sitting behind a proxy or load balancer, and HTTP port header is not forwarded, and you are using a non-standard HTTPS port, set this to the value of the external-facing port.

VECTR_FEATURES_SSLCONF - Set this to false to disable SSL configuration within the UI. This does not disable HTTPS access just resets the SSL configuration.

VECTR_SSL_CRT - May be set with the public key certificate.

VECTR_SSL_KEY - May be set with a private key.

VECTR_CERTPROFILE - Caddy certificate profile. usercert or internal. internal is the default and will generate its own self-signed SSL certificate

RATE_LIMIT_MAX_REQUESTS - This is the global rate limiter for requests to the back end. Every page load can have dozens of requests with it, so under heavy load with multiple users this may lead to users experiencing errors. If you are making large API calls this would also apply. The default value is 10000.