GraphQL Schema Reference
Query ¶
GraphQL Schema definition ¶
- type Query {
- # Query information about an Assessment
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: Database to query against
- # id: ID of the Assessment to query
- String, : String!): Assessment ( :
- # Query for all Assessments in the given database
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: The database to query
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- (
- String!, :
- AssessmentFilter, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- BaseSortOrder :
- ): AssessmentConnection
- # Query for Assessments in the given ID list and database
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: The database to query
- # ids: The list of Assessment IDs to retrieve
- String!, : [String]!): AssessmentConnection ( :
- # Query information about an Assessment
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: ID of the Assessment to query
- String!): Assessment ( :
- # Query for all Library Assessments
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- (
- AssessmentFilter, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- BaseSortOrder :
- ): AssessmentConnection
- # Query for Assessments in the given ID list and database
- #
- # Arguments
- # ids: The list of Assessment IDs to retrieve
- String]!): AssessmentConnection ( : [
- # Query information about a Campaign
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: Database to query against
- # id: ID of the Campaign to query
- String!, : String!): Campaign ( :
- # Query for all Campaigns in the given database
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: The database to query
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- (
- String!, :
- CampaignFilter, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- BaseSortOrder :
- ): CampaignConnection
- # Query for Campaigns in the given ID list and database
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: The database to query
- # ids: The list of Campaign IDs to retrieve
- String!, : [String]!): CampaignConnection ( :
- # Arguments
- # id:
- String!): Campaign ( :
- # Arguments
- # filter:
- # first:
- # after:
- # orderBy:
- (
- CampaignFilter, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- BaseSortOrder :
- ): CampaignConnection
- # Arguments
- # ids:
- String]!): CampaignConnection ( : [
- # Query for Database list
- Database] : [
- # Query information about a Defensive Layer
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: Database to query against
- # id: ID of the Defensive Layer to query
- String!, : String!): DefensiveLayer ( :
- # Query for all Defensive Layers in the given database
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: The database to query
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- (
- String!, :
- NameFilter, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- BaseSortOrder :
- ): DefensiveLayerConnection
- # Query for Defensive Layers in the given ID list and database
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: The database to query
- # ids: The list of Defensive Layer IDs to retrieve
- String!, : [String]!): DefensiveLayerConnection ( :
- # Query information about a Defensive Layer
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: ID of the Defensive Layer to query
- String!): DefensiveLayer ( :
- # Query for all Defensive Layers in the given database
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- (
- NameFilter, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- BaseSortOrder :
- ): DefensiveLayerConnection
- # Query for Defensive Layers in the given ID list and database
- #
- # Arguments
- # ids: The list of Defensive Layer IDs to retrieve
- String]!): DefensiveLayerConnection ( : [
- # Query for all defense tool products
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- (
- NameFilter, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- BaseSortOrder :
- ): DefenseToolProductsConnection
- # Arguments
- # ids: The list of Defense Tool Products IDs to retrieve
- String]!): DefenseToolProductsConnection ( : [
- # Query information about a blue / defense tool
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: The database to query
- # id: ID of the blue tool to query
- String!, : String!): BlueTool ( :
- # Query for all blue tools in the given database
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: The database to query
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- (
- String!, :
- NameFilter, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- BaseSortOrder :
- ): BlueToolConnection
- # Query information about a blue / defense tool
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: ID of the blue tool to query
- String!): BlueTool ( :
- # Query for all blue tools in the Content Library
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- (
- NameFilter, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- BaseSortOrder :
- ): BlueToolConnection
- # Arguments
- # ids: The list of Exec Artifact IDs to retrieve
- Int!]!): ExecutionArtifactConnection ( : [
- # Arguments
- # tagType:
- TagTypeEnum): FavoriteTagIds ( :
- # Query information about a specific Kill Chain
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: ID of the Kill Chain to query
- String!): KillChain ( :
- # Query for all Kill Chains in the given database
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- (
- NameFilter, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- BaseSortOrder :
- ): KillChainConnection
- # Query for Kill Chains in the given ID list and database
- #
- # Arguments
- # ids: The list of Kill Chain IDs to retrieve
- String]!): KillChainConnection ( : [
- # Arguments
- # db:
- # filter:
- String!, : MetadataSummaryFilter): MetadataSummary ( :
- # # Query information about a specific Outcome
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: ID of the Outcome to query
- String!): Outcome ( :
- # # Query for a flat collection of all Outcomes
- Outcome] : [
- # # Query for entire Outcome Tree organized as nodes and children elements
- OutcomeTreeNode] : [
- # Query information about a specific Organizations
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: ID of the Organizations to query
- String!): Organization ( :
- # Query for all Organizations
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- (
- NameFilter, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- BaseSortOrder :
- ): OrganizationConnection
- # Query information about a specific Phase
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: ID of the Phase to query
- String!): Phase ( :
- # Query for all Phases in the given database
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- NameFilter, : Int, : String, : BaseSortOrder): PhaseConnection ( :
- # Query for Phases in the given ID list and database
- #
- # Arguments
- # ids: The list of Phase IDs to retrieve
- String]!): PhaseConnection ( : [
- # # Query information about a red tool
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: The database to query
- # id: ID of the red tool to query
- String!, : String!): RedTool ( :
- # Query for all red tools in the given database
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: The database to query
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- String!, : Int, : String, : BaseSortOrder): RedToolConnection ( :
- # Query for entire Outcome Tree organized as nodes and children elements
- ReportingBucketTreeNode] : [
- # Query for information about a red tool in the Content Library
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: ID of the red tool to query
- String!): RedTool ( :
- # Query for all red tools in the Content Library
- #
- # Arguments
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- Int, : String, : BaseSortOrder): RedToolConnection ( :
- # Query for information about a Tag
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: ID of the tag to query
- String!): Tag ( :
- # Query for all Tags
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- TagFilter, : Int, : String, : BaseSortOrder): TagConnection ( :
- TagType] : [
- # Query information about a specific Test Case
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: Database to query against
- # id: ID of the TestCase to query
- String!, : String!): TestCase ( :
- # Query for all Test Cases in the given database
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: The database to query
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- (
- String!, :
- TestCaseFilter, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- TestCaseSortOrder :
- ): TestCaseConnection
- # Query for Test Cases in the given ID list and database
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: The database to query
- # ids: The list of Test Cases IDs to retrieve
- String!, : [String]!): TestCaseConnection ( :
- # Query information about a specific Test Case
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: ID of the TestCase to query
- String!): TestCase ( :
- # Query for all Library Test Cases
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- (
- TestCaseFilter, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- TestCaseSortOrder :
- ): TestCaseConnection
- # Arguments
- # ids: The list of Test Cases IDs to retrieve
- String]!): TestCaseConnection ( : [
- # Arguments
- # db: Database to query against
- # id: ID of the Vendor to query
- String!, : String!): Vendor ( :
- # Query for all Vendors in the given database
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: The database to query
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- (
- String!, :
- NameFilter, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- BaseSortOrder :
- ): VendorConnection
- # Query for Vendor information in the given ID list and database
- #
- # Arguments
- # db: The database to query
- # ids: The list of Vendor IDs to retrieve
- String!, : [String]!): VendorConnection ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: ID of the Vendor to query
- String!): Vendor ( :
- # Arguments
- # filter: A filter to return a subset of data
- # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor
- # orderBy: Sorting options
- (
- NameFilter, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- BaseSortOrder :
- ): VendorConnection
- # Arguments
- # ids: The list of Vendor IDs to retrieve
- String]!): VendorConnection ( : [
- # Arguments
- # ids: List of Unstructured Log IDs to retrieve
- String!]!): UnstructuredLogConnection ( : [
- VectrAppConfig :
- UploadedVectrSSLConfig :
- VectrSSLConfig :
- }
Require by ¶
This element is not required by anyone